Sunday, July 29, 2012

Idiom Cartoons by Intermediate Grammar A

Keep the ball rolling
by Miranda

See the light
by Miranda

Run ragged
by Miranda

See the light
by Harry

Get the ax
by Harry

Heart of gold
by Harry

Big Shot 
by Natalie Lee

Good egg
by Natalie

Be in hot water
by Natalie  
Dead to the world
by Laura

Stand out in a crowd
by Laura

Keep your head above water
by Laura

Up in the air
by Tigran

 Good egg
 by Tigran

Keep the ball rolling
by Tigran

Afraid of one's own shadow
by Cherry

In a fog
by Cherry

Go fly a kite!
by Cherry

Give the cold shoulder
by Anton

Be in hot water
by Anton

Good egg
by Anton

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Idiom Stories

Last week, students in Intermediate Grammar B wrote short stories to demonstrate their understanding of some of the new idioms they have been learning. Each student was asked to include at least four idioms in his/her story.